Optus EmailSMS
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EmailSMS Installation & Activation

This page will assist you with the installation of EmailSMS.
Please note that you must sign up for a free trial before downloading or enabling any software.
In most instances, the download is a simple three step process.
Depending on which email software you are using, you need to download different software.
Optus EmailSMS works with Microsoft Outlook ™ 2000 and above. Users of different email clients can still use our Basic EmailSMS service which requires no software installation.

Basic EmailSMS is a simple EmailSMS gateway allowing users to send SMS messages using any email application.
There is no need to install software on your computer.

Note: As Basic EmailSMS requires no software plug-in to be integrated with an email client this offering has a limited feature set.
Send a simple SMS
All users provisioned in service management can send emails to
[Mobile Number]@redcoal.net which are then forward as SMS to the mobile number.

SMS replies are sent back via email. Messages can be sent to individual users or multiple users at a time.

Basic EmailSMS can be customised to allow for all users from a certain domain name to send SMS without being individually provisioned.
Forward Email to mobile
When forwarding an email to the mobile phone sender email addresses are often not provisioned for EmailSMS.

In this case the email needs to be addressed as follows:
[Mobile Number].[Optus EmailSMS Password]@redcoal.net
for example 042777111.xyz123@redcoal.net

The password has been sent to the account administrator upon provisioning of Optus EmailSMS

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